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Tap 'Open' on your screen's top banner to continue your application on our app

If you can't see this banner:

  • You might not have the HSBC Mobile Banking app downloaded on this device
  • You might not have the most up to date version of the HSBC Mobile Banking app
  • Your device might not work with this technology
  • You are using a desktop (you can only apply for Global Money via the app)

No problem, let's get you back on track

If you already have the HSBC app, please follow these steps:

  1. Log on to the HSBC UK Mobile Banking app.
  2. Select ‘Global Money Account’ from the menu beneath your accounts and follow the instructions.


If you don't have the HSBC app, you can download it here:

Scan the QR code or select the button to download the app in your device's app store.

It's easy to answer your query online. Visit our Help page to find out how.