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At a glance


An easy way to save for 7 to 17 year olds. Start saving from just £10, whether it's your pocket money or wages from your job.

Interest rate

Up to £3,000: 5.00% AER / 4.89% gross

Over £3,000: 2.25% AER / 2.23% gross

Often used for

Children aged 7 to 17

Starting a savings habit early in life

Saving what you want, when you want


Instant access

Balance/deposit requirements

Min: £10

No maximum

Who can apply?

Eligibility criteria

  • you're aged 7 to 17
  • available to both existing and new customers
  • you can provide proof of your identity if your parent or guardian is an HSBC customer
  • you and your parent or guardian can provide proof of identity and address
  • you can provide proof of identity and address if your parent or guardian isn't an HSBC customer and you're over 16
  • in addition, if your parent, guardian or grandparent is an HSBC Premier (including retained Jade benefits, or Private Banking Account customer) you can apply for a Premier MySavings Account

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Please read the full product information before you apply

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